Friday, October 21, 2011

Project No Way!

As what is sure to be a dramatic conclusion to this seasons "Project Runway" approaches, I find myself asking two important questions: Why didn't I start this blog earlier? And, What the hell is Josh McKinley still doing on the show?

This is the man who brought us an ill-hemmed bright orange gown, complete with Xena-warrior princess bra strap, inspired by a green parakeet. He gave us a decidedly 1980's thrift store slant on the 70's chic challenge, sending black and white plaid pants that would could have renamed Twiggy something like "Hippy," or "Assy."  And lets not forget last week's misfit conglomeration of  Circus Barbie outfits that he passed off as a cohesive collection.

Last night, as one of the final four (we thought) was mentally readying themselves to be ousted, just inches from fashion week, his name was even called safe first, which in the world of reality television and competition shows is a general indication that the decision held no suspense factor whatsoever, despite his being in the company of at least 2 designers who have been lauded by the judges throughout the course of the season.

Of course, this point begs a very serious third question, one that I've been asking long before this season; What has happened to the discriminating taste of the judges?  Though I've long been of the opinion that the judging panel has always secretly discounted true artistic merit in favor of a more mass-marketable designer, I'm still left wondering what it is they see in his designs.  Every other word they've had for him all season was edit, usually used in conjunction with the words like horrible prints, gaudy color palettes, and maybe most importantly, bedazzled.  Yet as they've waited patiently for him to take some of this advice to heart, is seems very clear by what snippets of his collection were revealed in last night's episode that he is sticking to his guns, and waiting for them to wake up and see things his way.

One of my loyal readers, (which comprises at this point roughly 33% of you) made the astute observation that perhaps the judges are afraid of him.  Overly manicured eyebrows nonwithstanding, my money would be on him in a wire-hanger fight with Joan Crawford.  Nina Garcia, however, could probably take him, leaving us back at square one.  I find myself left with the notion that the judges are tasked with a secondary, more subversive objective that simply propelling the gleaming engines of fashion forward.  They are propelling them forward into the twitter stream, and it's working.  I've started a blog specifically to talk about it.

It seems clear that a horrible designer with a penchant for human drama and creating friction among his peers is just as crucial to the mix as more trivial elements of the show, like designing clothes.

I take some solace in the fact that since no one was eliminated last night, JM's chances of winning are decidedly slim.  In fact, as revealed in a series of short clips at the end of the show, he was so displeased to see all his competitors emerge from judging unscathed (especially those who will clearly give him a run for his money)   that his lip curled.  Several times.  I think he knows he can't compete with Victor, but felt secure in his ability to at least rule out Kimberly.  When Anya came through the door however,  I'm pretty sure he understood that he was done.  Cue lip curl, and several snide comments in the privacy of the confessional booth and several million viewers.

Interestingly enough, I checked the viewer poll on favorite designers the other day, and Anthony Ryan was still the clear favorite to win with about 50% viewer approval.  No president in the last 12 years has managed that.  Frankly, I think it would be refreshing if they ousted Josh moment's before sending his models down the catwalk and replaced them with Anthony Ryan's designs.  Talk about human drama.


  1. I must admit... I never watch this show (as I rarely watch television at all). But your comments make me want to. When is it on and on what channel? BTW I absolutely LOVE this picture of you. Its darling :)

  2. it's on lifetime, Thursdays from 9:00-10:30.
    The season is almost over but you can probably catch up marathon style with on demand.
