Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is this all about anyway?

The  concept of blogging seems incredibly self-absorbed to me, which is, of course, why I am unabashedly drawn to it.  My work as a massage therapist encourages me to shed my ego, go with the flow and free myself from trans fats, but I consider having a dark side the mark of a well-rounded individual. As a first generation  product of the nation raising its children to believe in the superiority of their mere existence, unshackled by accountability, achievement, or ambition, it only seems natural to ask the question, "Why wouldn't the entire world be captivated by my rantings on pop culture, politics, and the general state of the world despite my utter lack of relevant credentials or experience?"

  It will surprise no one that the spark which ignited the fire under my ass was a desire to vehemently disagree with the irrational decisions made each week by the judges on "Project Runway," (mandatory for homosexuals, but quite highly recommended as required viewing for all TV watchers) as a small effort to protest, however silently, another "Gretchen Incident." Those of you in the know understand. It's really too soon to  tell how far the fallout will reach, but when muumuu's come back in style, you'll know who to blame.

  But then I thought, why limit myself?  Surely I have just as much to say about the world in general, and as inflammatory is kind of my thing, why not make public statements in blind ignorance for, at present, an audience of zero to be shocked, offended, enlightened, and or nonplussed by?

I will try not to sounds too much like a smartass.

Here Goes nothing.. 

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