Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stepping Up Wellness: Day 3

Hi All,

Ok yesterday was a busy day on the wellness front, and I\'m envisioning Monday as an important day for gathering each week going forward. I will report on excursions, findings, special deals (for the inner bargain queen within us all,) and whatever else seems relevant. More often than not I may include the irrelevant, and quite possibly the irreverent, as well.

First stop, Target to make productive use of a Christmas gift card. What I did find was a set of super sharp Japanese kitchen knives for under $60, which, in defiance of all logic, cost $30 more on amazon.com. Also, picked up a KitchenAid brand ceramic knife, reports will be forthcoming on how they handle and which ones become favorites. Thus far, I can report that both the ceramic, and the stainless all purpose knives are outperforming anything I\'ve used in my kitchen before.

Looked for paint strainers at Target but eventually had to give up and go to Lowe\'s(scored quart sized strainers with elastic edges, which make fantastic substitutes for expensive nut milk bags, for around 98 cents a package. Looked for glass jars at Lowe\'s but had to go to AC Moore, where I\'m sure I paid a premium. Where are the best deals on canning jars?

Then it was off to Whole Foods, for fresh produce, protein powder, raw cacao, and Spike seasoning. Best store around. I love my local health food store, but sometimes I just can\'t justify the cost of a $20 jar of almond butter, when a weekly trip to Milford can probably save me 20-40% on the same items.

After a refueling stop at Jamba Juice, it was home to make some raw gazpacho. There is some debate on what constitutes "real" gazpacho, mainly between Spanish style and Mexican. I feel strongly that Mexican style gazpacho can be accurately described with one word: salsa. If you\'re basing your feelings on gazpacho based on the Mexican style, I urge you to try Spanish style. It is a rich purée of tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, and traditionally, bread. Refreshing and crisp on a summers day, but just as tasty in the winter. The raw version is surprisingly similar in flavor and consistency to the real thing, although a bit more pungent. If you like pungent, this is for you. Cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, parsley, onion, garlic, blended in the vitamix to within an inch of its life with Spike seasoning and balsamic vinegar. Unbelievable!!! Even my sister the Spanglophile would be impressed with this one.

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