Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stepping up Wellness in 2012!

Pretty self-explanatory.  As a holistic practitioner, I find not only is my life more productive when I am mindful about my personal well-being, but so is my business.  Sure, I might spend a few dollars to participate in a five day cleanse, but if I get a new client out of it, it's paid for itself by year's end.  My focus in this post is really toward the personal end of things.  Having just finished a  day cleanse via my dear friend Kai Hersher and her company, Nourishing Habits LLC, I'm feeling great, detoxed, 10 pounds lighter, and ready to hit the ground running.

In the spirit of wellness, I dusted off my greenstar 3000 juicer (highly recommended for serious juicers, or would-be serious juicers such as myself.) and purchased a Vitamix blender.  If you're interested in raw or vegan cuisine, these are two must-have items.  Not inexpensive but well worth the investment. Essentially, you can juice and leafy greens, grass, or vegetable in the Greenstar, and if it's too soft to juice, you can liquify it in the Vitamix.  Incidentally, the Vitamix will liquify just about anything. Your garden-variety blender operates at about 11 miles/hour, the Vitamix operates somewhere around 250 miles/hour.  You do the math.  Also, I highly recommend the Turboblend VS package, it's mechanically no different from the 5200 model, but come with a fantastic raw/vegan cookbook, and a nut milk bag.

So the first goal is small but will still present a challenge.  Prepare one healthy recipe each day that I've never tried before. No other rules. Yesterday it was raw key-lime pie (incidentally the best I've ever tasted.)  Today, a green veggie smoothie, later on, spicy Italian rawsage.  I don't really believe that vegetarian and vegan foods need to aspire to imitate meats or dairy, nor should they, but I'm not opposed to something that sounds delicious and has simple ingredients.

The second goal, and admittedly the more challenging of the two, is to blog regularly about this process over the next 30 days.  In a perfect world, I will begin by reviewing the previous days culinary endeavors, describe the current days agenda, and provide recipes and suggestions of either of you are interested.

Also, look for more posts here regarding pop culture, art, things I'm either infatuated with or sickened by, and general musings/rantings on the state of the world.

Happy and Healthy 2012!


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