Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stepping Up Wellness: Day 5

Morning world! I forgot to mention my morning smoothie of two days ago, cantaloupe and romaine! Delicious, although I did add a banana for some extra flavor, it was delicious and sweet(for those of you who don\'t relish the taste of puréed leafy greens.)

Yesterday\'s smoothie was my first original creation, ie leftovers. Pretty much everything I didn\'t use up making something else over the last several days. Half an avocado, the inside part of a romaine heart, parsley, leftover cantaloupe, half a cucumber, and a little lemon, just in case. Lemon can make just about anything drinkable.

However, the result was surprisingly creamy and delicious, and the avocado lent a full bodied nutty flavor to the mix. I may have lucked out on this one though, but in the interest of conservation, "leftover smoothie" will be a regular morning drink.

Dinner was a creamy hot tomato soup made in the vitamix, served over a little quinoa. This was literally a couple tomatoes, a couple of red peppers, lemon juice, almond butter and a pinch of Himalayan salt. Hot, creamy and delicious, and frankly, inexpensive! The whole thing probably cost less than $10, and would easily serve 4 people.

Total weight loss is around 12 pounds at this point, not that continued weight loss is the goal. Went back to my yoga class last night, did some great core strengthening and inversion practice ( still a long way from standing on my head, but my shoulder stand is decidedly more vertical than it used to be.)

Menu for the rest of the day is up in the air, so I\'m open to suggestion, if either of you have a delicious recipe to share, please post it in the comment section.

Ps..I haven\'t been posting actual recipes becauseI am unsure of copyright legalities, am I safe as long as I give credit? I\'ll have to ask my lawyer friends.

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