Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stepping Up Wellness: Day 6

Yesterday began around 8:00 am with a different variation on the green smoothie, this version included dill, no berries, bananas and kale(or whatever other miscellaneous greens happen to be lying around the house.) Yummy, and the extra banana really balances out the kale. I\'m also discovering that it\'s helpful to increase the amount of ice or water to roughly double the recommended amount, unless you want a very thick consistency.

Lunches in general have been leftover portions of previous experiments, which is why, in general, I\'m not mentioning them much. Fr supper, I made a cold butternut squash soup with a raw vegan "sour cream," which was undoubtedly the shining star of yesterday\'s culinary endeavors. Made from soaked cashews, probiotics, miso, and lemon, this stuff is out of this world. Once again, I suggest increasing the nuts by about double to get a thicker, stiffer consistency closer to actual sour cream.

Again, the taste is not what the name would suggest. But it does add the same property of a creamy yet skill pungent addition to a soup or dip, and while distinct from its dairy predecessor, the flavor is exquisite. 2 cups of nuts will easily give you a quality pint of this stuff to keep in the fridge. I added a healthy dollop to my butternut soup.

In the works is a raw lasagna, raw sweet potato gnocchi ( as soon as I track down some Irish moss and a decent dehydrator,) and avocado chocolate mousse. Here\'s a pic of last night\'s soup. I will try to be better at including more visuals.

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